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Matthew 19:14
March 2025
Children's Lessons for March
March 2
Debbie Whitehorne, Samantha Whitehorne
The Lord's Prayer
March 9
Yvonne Authement, Wendy Glaeser
Jesus Blesses the Children
March 16
Debbie Whitehorne, Samantha Whitehorne
Jesus Heals the Two Blind Men
March 23
Yvonne Authement, Wendy Glaeser
The Sower
March 30
Debbie Whitehorne, Samantha Whitehorne
The Centurions’s Servant
God, thank You for loving us so much that You sent
Your Son to die on a cross. As His disciples, help us to
take up our crosses and follow Him.
In Jesus' name, amen.