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Worship Ministries
Acolyte Guild
A group of children, youth, and adults who assist in worship by
carrying the processional crosses, lighting and extinguishing the candles,
helping with the collection of the offering, and helping the priest prepare the
Lord’s Table for Holy Communion. Acolytes are vested in hooded albs.
Altar Guild
A group of dedicated individuals who faithfully prepare the altar and the church for regular worship services, weddings, funerals, and other ceremonies.
Their work includes changing the altar hangings, decorating the church for holidays, preparing and cleaning the sacred vessels used in worship, and the
care and cleaning of the church linens. Millie Coward serves as the Chair of the Altar Guild.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs)
Individuals licensed by the Bishop of our Diocese to administer the chalice (wine) during services of Holy Eucharist. LEMs are vested in cassock and
surplice and also lead the Prayers of the People. LEMs may also serve as Lectors at the same service.
Susan Sigler is the Chair of our LEM ministry.
A group of adults who read the appointed Scripture lessons during Sunday services and at other times requested by the Rector. Lectors are appointed by
the Rector and need not be licensed by the Bishop. Susan Sigler schedules our Lectors.
A group of faithful men and women who assure that the worship experience is a positive one for members and visitors. Ushers greet everyone at the door,
distribute worship bulletins, collect the offering, and direct people to the communion rail at the appropriate time. They also offer assistance to anyone
with specific needs during worship services. Larry Shreve serves as Head Usher.
Drama Ministry
A group of actors, musicians and, wardrobe attendants- all amateurs, who use their God-given gifts and talents to present monologues and pageants that enhance
our worship and present the Gospel message in unique ways. Our Drama Ministry is directed by Jason Nowland.