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St. Peters' News

Thank-you letter from Connie Townsend
Please take a look at the thank-you letter received from Connie Townsend who recently retired from our Day School.

A Word about internet scams - Please Read!
Please click here to review information regarding internet scams so you do not become a victim.

Flower Guild
St. Peters would like to establish a Flower Guild of 4 to 6 persons. Their duties would include:  purchase of the flowers, arranging the flowers in the vases, placing them on the retable for the service, and removing/discarding them when no longer needed.  Also ordering or preparing flowers for special occasions, funerals, weddings, Easter, greenery for Lent and Christmas. Please contact Millie Coward at 469-5887/ if you are interested in serving in this important ministry.

We are in need of Sunday School teachers, nursery attendants, and adults, to help with our Children's Chapel worship service.  If interested, please contact Linsey Shreve at 581-1123, Yvonne Authement at 547-3049 or Wendy Glaeser at 548-2728.  Thank-you!

Chanco on the James
Chanco on the James is our diocesan camp and conference center and is situated on the James River in Surry, Virginia.  Chanco is a fully accredited camp operating continuously for over 40 years providing youth opportunities for individual challenges, personal growth and lifetime friendships in God's great outdoors.  Space is still available for youth ages 8-18 in all camp sessions.
For more information, visit, or for easy online registration, visit today or call 1-888-7CHANCO and sign your child up for the summer experience of a lifetime!

St. Peter's Ladies Luncheon
The women of St. Peter’s meet on the second Monday of every month at 12:30pm.
We have fun visiting different restaurants. Come join us for fellowship and lunch.
Check the Ministry Announcement page in the Call or bulletin board in the parish hall
for the sign-up sheet to see where we are going for our next outing. Sign up today!
For more information contact Millie Coward at 469-5887/