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St. Peter's Vestry

Linsey Shreve
Senior Warden
Linsey has been a member of St. Peters for over 40 years. She has been a member of the choir, Sunday School teacher, Sunday School Administrator, a member of the vestry, served as the Junior Warden, and attended Cursillo. She graduated with her doctorate in 2019, after receiving her Women's Health Nurse Practitioner license with Old Dominion University in 2009. She enjoys spending time with her family, reading, and visiting historical sites. And she loves her St. Peter's family!
Debbie Whitehorne
Junior Warden
The daughter of George P. and Gladys M. Shacklock, born in Norfolk, Virginia in 1957, I was raised in the Baptist Church. I joined St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in 1985. In June 1975 I graduated from Eastern Academy. After marrying Robert L. Whitehorne in 1976, we formed a company, R&R Investors, and we have managed property for deployed Navy personnel as well as our own properties, throughout our marriage. My working experience began at an automobile insurance company. I changed to the savings and loan industry beginning as a file clerk, Home Federal Savings and Loan for eight years. Following that, I worked at Mutual Federal Savings and Loan as a mortgage processor for eight more years. In 1995 I left the working force to be a stay-at-home mother. I began volunteering at our children’s elementary school, and as both a Cub Scout Leader and a Girl Scout leader. I am passionate about children and have been involved as a Sunday school teacher at St. Peter’s. I served on the Episcopal Church Woman organization, I have served on the Vestry, as a Lay Eucharistic Minister, on the Altar Guild, as an usher, and as the Director of Vacation Bible School for at least four years. I have worked, part-time, at St. Peter’s doing Christian Formation. I also worked at the St. Peter’s Day School for four years. I have also worked at Emmanuel Lutheran Day School. Eventually I decided to do home day care for children 18 months to 2 years of age. This lasted for four years. Robert and I have two wonderful children, Bryan and Megan, and three wonderful grandchildren, Brody and Stella Whitehorne, and Lydia Daniels. I made my Cursillo in 2001. I love my Lord, Jesus, and am proud to serve his church.
Vel Shreve
I was born in Wales in 1946. After graduating from high school I attended Rhydlafar Nursing School, where I received my Diploma in orthopedics. In 1960 my family moved to Oxford where I met my Air Force husband, Larry. In 1969 we moved to Mississippi just in time for Hurricane Camille and to see Neil Armstrong walk on the moon. Larry and I have been married for 55 years, we have two sons both born in England, and a daughter born in Norfolk. We have been members of St. Peter's since November 1975. I am currently serving on the Vestry (new member), the Altar Guild (for 26 years), the Prayer Shawl Ministry and the Day School Board. I was the Parish Secretary/Day School Assistant Director for 40 years, before retiring in June 2022. I love St. Peter’s and our Traditional ways! Our parish family holds a special place in my heart.
Judy Eller
I was born in Cleveland, Ohio. I have an older brother and a younger sister. I grew up in an age where kids played outside from morning till dark, and had a wonderful time. I graduated from West Tech High School. After working in an office for several years, I met and married my first husband and at the age of 25 and had a daughter. The years that followed were lean and money was tight. I moved from Ohio to Virginia to begin anew.

I began working for up-and-coming hotelier/real estate mogul Bruce Thompson. We worked together for a number of years. I changed jobs to work for another hotelier who provided me with more stability. I was made General Manager of the Econo Lodge on Shore Drive, followed by the Welcome Inn on Hampton Blvd by Norfolk Naval Base. This was a good time in my life.

It was during this time that I met and soon married my current husband. After moving into my current residence, I was searching for a new church. I was born and raised a Roman Catholic but, since I was divorced and remarried I thought I’d see what the Episcopal church had to offer. When I stopped at St. Peters to worship on a Sunday, and I heard Papa John’s sermon and met some of the people, and I knew I had found my new church.

Knowing that the hotel business was not offering me a financial future, I landed a job at Capital One. On April 7, 2023, I celebrated my 20th anniversary with Capital One. I am a manager in an escalated queue and I have 15 agents that report to me. Life is even sweeter now.

I’ve thought about retiring but my husband has grown accustomed to our lifestyle with me working so one of these days I may retire.

I just attended Cursillo #170 and it was life changing. I can’t wait to see what is next!
Charles Pfeifer
Charlie was born in Chicago, Illinois on May 27, 1942. At age five, his family moved to a western suburb, Glen Ellin, where the family joined St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. He has a clear memory for his baptism shortly thereafter. At age ten, the family moved to Houston, Texas, a city of 500,000 people at the time. Four years later the family moved to the East Bay of San Francisco for his last year of junior high school and three years of high school. The family then moved to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania where he graduated from high school.

Charlie Joined the Naval Reserve in 1959 while still in High School. He was appointed to the US Naval Academy and graduated in 1966. He served as an Unrestricted Line and Engineering Duty Officer until his retirement in 1987. His last tour before retirement was as Combatant Type Desk Coordinator on SURFLANT staff where he was responsible for the depot (shipyard) level maintenance availabilities for the Cruisers and Destroyers in the Atlantic Fleet. After Navy retirement, he worked in project management for several years. From 2001-2006 he served as Administrator and Treasurer of the Diocese of Southern Virginia. Charlie is very active with the American Society of Naval Engineers at both the local and National level.

Charlie and his family joined St Peter’s in April of 1980 and they have been members ever since. At St Peter’s he has served multiple terms as Sr. Warden, Jr. Warden, Registrar and Treasurer. He has also served multiple terms as a delegate to Diocesan Council. In 2003 he served as an Alternate Deputy to the Episcopal Church General Convention.

He currently serves as Treasurer and as a member of the Vestry.
Charlotte Corbett
I am a native Virginian, born in Bedford as the only child of James and Juanita Weymouth. We moved to Norfolk when I was four and I grew up here, graduating from Norview High School and Norfolk General School of Nursing. I married Norman Corbett and we had two daughters, Carol Anne and Cynthia. My husband was a partner in Norfolk Engraving until his death in 2016. We joined St Peters and raised our children in the church. I have been a member for about fifty years. I have served on the Vestry, Altar Guild, Prayer Shawl ministry, and have helped in the Day School. St Peters is more than a church--it is a family of believers. It serves the soul and comforts the heart. Being a member strengthens my faith and improves life every day.
Elizabeth Kress
Liz has been a member of St. Peter's for less than 10years. She serves on the Day School committee and assists with Vacation Bible School. Liz is a wife, mother of two, and teaches high school math in Virginia Beach. She graduated from Christopher Newport University and Averett University.
Peggy Pfeifer