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From the Senior Warden
I would like to say that I am blessed that your Vestry has once again shown their trust in me as our Senior Warden for the next year. As I take on the role of Senior Warden I am
concerned about the future of our parish. We ended 2024 with a financial loss of $22,000. This loss would have been greater if we had an interim rector for the full year. The proposed
2025 budget currently shows a profit of $1,600; however, this does not take into consideration the expense of a new rector for our parish. The estimated compensation package for a
new part-time priest is about $65,000 which you can see with our current income we cannot afford. At the same time there are several mainte-nance and capital improvements that need
to be made to our aging parish structures that have significant costs.
On the bright side, our small congregation continues to serve the Lord. Whether it is by serving as worship leader, lector, acolyte, altar guild member, Sunday School teacher, attending
Bible study, making hats, scarves or prayer shawls, providing random acts of kindness and serving on the Cursillo Secretariat or upcoming weekends.
I ask that each of you pray for our parish: “Almighty and everliving God, ruler of all things in heaven and earth, hear our prayers for this parish family. Strengthen the faithful,
arouse the careless and restore the penitent. Grant us all things necessary for our common life, and bring us all to be of one heart and mind within your holy Church; through Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen.” BCP pg.817
May God bless each of you.