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Acts of Kindness
The Seasons of Advent, Christmas and Epiphany | The Feast of Saint Nicholas
St. Peters' News
This ministry started out of need to the community, to serve those wo would appreciate a little ‘cheering up’. Gifts were made and given to residents of Providence
Place Nursing Home, the Vets at the VA Hospital and to the children in St. Peter’s Summer Camp! Anyone interested in joining
this ministry is welcome. Please contact Nancy Comfort 480-0316 or Charlotte Corbett 474-2214.
The Veterans are in need of: Toothbrushes, tooth paste, shaving cream, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, razors, new unopened packs of socks (mens & womens), new clothing (no used
clothing), tissues & handkerchiefs. No candy, food or drinks at this time.
Please bring your donations to church and place in the box provided in the parish hall. Thank you!
Acts of Kindness - Planning 2023
Memorial Day -
• We have donated $50.00 to Operation Gratitude as a remembrance for all the men and women who served in our armed forces and gave the ultimate sacrifice of their lives fighting for our country.
• Flags were placed around the flagpole and signs posted in support of Memorial Day
Appreciation Sunday for All Volunteers –
Ice Cream Sundae on Sunday, June 25th, after the 10 A.M. Service -
AOK is inviting the parish after the 10 A.M. service to join us in the Parish Hall for a sundae treat acknowledging all volunteers at St. Peter’s.
Acts of Kindness Gives a Gift to the Summer Camp Children
With the help of Laura Kallestad, cute bags were ordered filled with bubbles, a coloring book, toy, crayons, and other items to bring a smile to the Summer Camp
children. The bag has a decal on both sides for the children to enjoy coloring, too. It is always our pleasure to provide the Summer Camp children an “Act of Kindness”!
Day School Little Playground – We are researching and hoping to plant a tree in the new little playground soon.