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Acts of Kindness

St. Peters' News


We are still collecting food for the Food Bank and other folks less fortunate than ourselves.  All non-perishable items are needed especially those high in protein.  Please put non-perishables on your shopping list and bring them to church.  Thank-you!  The following items are always needed:

Chunky Soup Peanut Butter
Pasta Canned Meat
Canned Tuna Pasta Sauce
Canned Vegetables Canned Juice
Dried Cereal Macaroni and Cheese
and any other non-perishable food.

St. James Church Donations - St. James Holiness Church in Norfolk has asked local churches for financial help to make much needed repairs to their church and parish hall.  St. James' congregation currently occupies "Old St. Peter's", our original location on Brown Ave. in Brambleton.  If you would like to make a contribution, please use the special envelopes marked "St. James-Old St. Peter's" which can be found in the narthex and the parish hall, or mail your donation to the church office.  Thank-you in advance.

Support Our Veterans!  The Veteran's Administration in Hampton is accepting the following items for the veterans:

Toiletries Good books
Clothing Candy
Games, etc.  

Please bring your donations to church and Bill Weissner will deliver them to the hospital.  Please keep in mind there are female veterans also.  Toiletries are needed the most.  Please bring donated items to church and place them in the box in the parish hall.  Thank-you for your support.

All types of clothing are needed at the Veteran's Hospital.  Please donate clothing to the vets.  Right now, during the pandemic, they are only accepting new items of clothing.

Magazines are needed to send to our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Please bring your recent magazines to church and leave them in a box in the parish hall.  Thank you!

Altar Flowers - The 2023 Flower Chart is located in the vestibule as you enter the church from the Parish Hall.  If you would like to donate flowers to the church in memory of loved ones or in thanksgiving, just sign the chart next to the Sunday on which you would like to donate.  The cost of the flowers is $70.  If you donate on the same Sunday as someone else, the cost is $35.  If you need more information, please conact the church office at 466-9392.