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St. Peters' News

For Sale

50th Anniversary Cookbooks - The cookbooks are still available for purchase. You can buy yours by ordering directly online at  The price is $20.  St. Peter's receives $7 from the sale of each book.

 50th Anniversary Sun Catchers are available for purchase.  The will look good anywhere in your home!  You can purchase one after church services on Sundays or by contacting the church office.

St. Peter's Mugs are for sale - $5 per mug.  Call the office for your mug and pick it up on Sunday.

St. Peter's 50th Anniversary T-Shirts - Call the church office if you would like to purchase a red 50th Anniversary T-Shirt.  The cost of the shirt is $8.  New sizes have just arrived.  Call the office and reserve yours (466-9392).

St. Peter's Collector Plates
$10 each - See Laura in the Office

Images change every 5 seconds:

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Baptism of Jesus
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Feeding the Multitudes
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Jesus Walks on Water
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Let the Children Come
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Moses Parts the Red Sea
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Praying in the Garden
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The Twelve